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Image by Sincerely Media

our mission.

The Being Lab is an organization dedicated to helping individuals and groups improve life satisfaction, performance, and connection to others.

what we do.

Using science + design, we offer coaching to help learners create lasting life improvements

Interested in assessment on your life and goals?

Sign up for a free 45 minute coaching session.

Build habits and routines to thrive!

Healthy Habit Workshop

Learn to easily build healthy habits for life

using methods proven effective by science and research.

The science on how our brain builds routines.

3 research proven principles for lasting habits.

Easy habits that fit into your busy schedule

90% of attendees

rated their confidence level for

forming a new habit at

very confident or higher

30 days post workshop!*

*One month after the workshop, attendees rated their confidence a 4 or higher (on a 1 to 5 point scale) when asked the question “How confident are you in your abilities to for a new habit for life now?”


our services

We offer coaching and consulting services on career advancement, work/life balance, and relationship management. 


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